JQuery html() not parsing URLs properly

Have been racking my brains for ages on this issue… It is a Joomla site using sh404SEF. Turning sh404SEF off fixes this issue, so I assume it is a combination of sh404SEF and jQuery html(). I am using jQuery’s html() to replace the content one of one DIV by the...

Mac Documents Folder Clutter Fix

For some reason Apple and App developers, one or the other or both, decided to dump a tonne of software data files and folders into what should be your nicely organised, personal documents folder. If you like to be organised like me this probably annoys you some. I...

Joomla blank screen – how to show errors

If you ever have a blank screen in Joomla, it is quite likely due to some errors, perhaps PHP errors. Errors are turned off by default so in order to display your errors, add the following to your configuration.php file at the bottom, before the closing PHP tag, and...

Using ffmpeg on a Mac the easy way!

There are various complicated posts online about installing ffmpeg on a mac so you can use it from the command line. I never quite have the patience for command line installations and often things did not work. But then I stumbled upon a much easier way… First install...