Replace Special Characters with HTML Codes in PHP

I always struggle to properly convert special characters into HTML when adding to a web page or importing into a database… the foreign characters with accents like Umlauts etc. Although PHP has a few functions that claim to do it (e.g. htmlentities() ) , it...

Gmail Tip: How To Stop Checking Email All The Time

I just wanted to quickly share a good GMail setup I am trialling to help me stop checking email all the time which can be very counter productive (this is a follow up to my Blog asking what the best email client is for GTD which I have come to the conclusion does not...

Speed Up Your Website By Using Cache

I recently finished a database intensive website using the Joomla content management system, and upon release the website popularity and therefore high database queries put quite a strain on the site which slowed it down more than usual. I try to develop websites to...