Manage Your Email More Efficiently

Here’s a quick explanation of how email accounts provided by most website and email hosting providers work (such as us), where and how your email is stored, issues that may occur and some recommendations for different uses. Hosted Email Accounts The email...

Using GMail As A Task Manager

GMail (see previous blog) is many things to different people, but a few things everyone agrees with is it’s simple, efficient and flexible. I emphasise flexible because you can configure it to work that suits your needs. I use it not just for email but as my...

Adding Google Adsense to a Joomla Content Page To Make Money

Google AdSense is a Google application that allows website owners to earn revenue from visitors to their website. It’s those “Ads by Google” links you see on this blog page below this post, and on the right hand column. It’s a great way to earn a little extra income...